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Introducing to the Glassy Zone

A Waterproof Wearable Designed by Surfers, for Surfers

Glassy is an awesome surf band and so much more. It’s also a clever smartphone app with an inclusive platform where you and your friends can share session data and digest the feedback while planning where to find the best spot for the next take-off! Glassy will notify you when your spots are at their optimal condition so you can head out there and start going off on reeling waves. With Glassy you get the advantage on the lineups for perfect rips.

Better Surfing, More Waves and Improved Health

“Analyze insightful feedback from your past sessions. Catch more dynamic and satisfying waves in tandem with improving your sports performance. Increase your overall health knowledge.”

Record Every Aspect

Obtain the most precise data from each of your sessions, allowing you to improve in every aspect of your surf style.

Sleep Better

Measure the quantity and quality of your sleep hours so you can enjoy each of your sessions at your best physical condition.

Optimize More Daylight for Activities

Long surf sessions bring with long exposure to UV rays. Glassy Zone protects your skin's health by alerting you when solar radiation exceeds recommended levels.

Track Your Everyday Activity

Glassy analyzes your GPS position, number of waves caught, the speed of each wave and the overall surf quality to provide you with insights on which break you surf the best, catch the most waves at and where to sit in the lineup to perform your best.

Glassy Platform

With a minimalist and intuitive design, Glassy App allows you to access all the data in a very simple, user-friendly way. Glassy understands that you are a member of a passionate surf community and shares surf information throughout more than 50 countries around the world to find the best waves that real surfers love to chase!

GlassyApp is Free
Our app is free. Just as the world gives you the best waves at your disposal, your only goal is to pursue the best spots.
Requires iOS 9.2.1 or higher
Requires Lollipop or higher
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